PORADA ARREDI srl, in cooperation with POLI.design, founded by Politecnico di Milano, announces an international ideas competition to identify new innovative concepts on different types of SOFAS, in which the use of solid wood is prevalent (but not necessarily exclusive) and which conveys the values and identity of the Porada brand. Wood, in natural essence, preferably from among those in the company's predominant use, or lacquered, may be combined with covers in fabrics and other materials (preferably chosen from those in the collection).
The submitted designs shall be original and unpublished; they must enhance the use of production technologies, woodworking processes and typical finishing of the solid wood and they must respond to the principle of functionality. They must comply with the existing safety standards in force, also respecting ergonomic, environmental and sustainable design requirements.
The competition is open to:
- Professionals category (mark P), Italian and/or foreign designers working independently or employed by companies (if duly authorized by their company).
- Students category (mark S), Italian and/or foreign students enrolled in Bachelor's or Master's degrees and recent graduates.and students of secondary schools.
For both categories, group entries are also permitted. In this case, the members of the group must appoint a leader who will be the sole person in charge and referent towards POLI.design.
By entering the competition, participants unconditionally accept the terms of this competition contained herein. If these terms are not, in whole or in part, respected by the participant, their design may be disqualified.
Members of the Jury, their relatives, employees of Porada and POLI.design, may not take part.
Projects must be original and unpublished and exclusively developed for the competition.
Each participant (or group) is permitted to submit one project only.
Participation in the competition is anonymous. Each participant must create a numeric code (a six-digit number, with no digit repeated more than twice, and not in sequence) to be used to identify the files mentioned in art. 4.
For the Professionals category: add the letter 'P' as a prefix, which indicates the Professionals category.
For the Students category: add the 'letter S' as a prefix, which indicates the Student category.
The application for participation in the competition and the submission of the required documents needs to be carried through online procedure via the website:
The application form must contain the personal details of the participant, tax id number, home address, mobile and home telephone numbers, email address, an explicit declaration of having understood the rules of this competition and their unconditional acceptance and, for the Student category, the name of the university or the school, campus, course of study and year of attendance.
The code and/first name/s of the participant/s must be shown exclusively on the application form, no name should appear on the other documents presented, under penalty of disqualification.
The documents must be submitted in digital format via the above mentioned electronic procedure and within the deadline specified in art 5.
Each participant (or group), after registering at http://www.porada-design-award.polidesign.net, must upload to the site:
- a brief descriptive text-only report (max. 3000 characters, i.e. no more than one page), without images, describing the motivations, the general concept, the characteristics of the project and the materials envisaged.
The .pdf file of the report is must be contained in a vertical ISO-A4 format sheet (21 x 29.7 cm) and must be named 'relazione_[enter_your_code]'.
The header must contain only the alphanumeric code indicated in art. 2 and the project name/title, if any; - graphics consisting of no. 3 horizontal ISO-A3 tables (42 x 29.7 cm), in .pdf format, composed on the layout of the table that can be downloaded,after registration, in the section 'template' from the website website http://www.porada-design-award.polidesign.net, which must contain:
- Board 1: an overview, reference scenarios and modes of use, mood board, general concept of the object in the context of use and sources of inspiration;
- Board 2: technical drawings: plans, elevations, sections, axonometric views, exploded views, dimensioned construction drawings at appropriate scales and details of details and choice of materials, considered significant;
- Board 3: representation of the object, rendering, photos of the model.
The three presentation boards should be combined into a single .pdf file named 'tavole_[enter_your_code]' (maximum file size 5 Mb). - a preview image of the project, summarizing the salient features (which may correspond to the render or another image deemed important) and it will be the first image viewed by the judges to identify the project, in .jpg format (maximum file size 1 Mb).
The files must be uploaded exclusively through the online procedure as described above (server connections for downloading files or files sent by regular or certified email will not be accepted).
Once the files are uploaded to the portal, a confirmation email will be sent. The files are editable and/or replaceable by the participant until the contest deadline. After the deadline, personal pages will no longer be accessible to users.
Since the contest is anonymous, one's name may not be included on any of the submitted entries under penalty of exclusion.
The entries, required without exception in digital format, shall be uploaded on the website as per procedure provided in art. 4, no later then midnight on January 31st, 2026.
The jury is composed by the following members with voting rights:
- Two representatives from Porada
- One representative from ADI - Association for Industrial Design
- A representative of POLI.design
- Five members among representatives of the project professions and sectoral publishing.
The deliberations of the jury will remain reserved, while the final report, containing the list of the winners, as well as the finalists and honourable mentions, will be made public.
The Jury decides by a majority vote and its decision is unappealable.
The deliberations of the jury will conclude no later than February 27th, 2026.
The selection and evaluation of the projects will take into account their originality, the level of innovation and research of new design solutions referred to the typical solid wood processing, the experimentation on materials and surface finishes, the ability of the projects to define and anticipate scenarios of use and innovative concepts in the use of wood furniture and contemporary furnishing accessories, with particular regard to the typological, technological and morphological determinations of the sofas and the adherence of the proposed solutions to the values and identity of the Porada brand.
The total prize money of € 11,000.00 will be allocated as follows:
1st prize € 2,500
2nd prize € 1,500
3rd prize € 1,000
1st prize € 2,500
2nd prize € 1,500
3rd prize € 1,000
It is also established the "Special Mention Giacomo Allievi" prize of the economic value of € 1,000.00 assignable to 1 student or 1 professional. The project will be selected by a dedicated jury that will choose the project that, among the others, will most distinguish itself for the best balance between artisanal tradition associated with woodworking and modern design expressed in the structural and creative development of the project.
Competition participants maintain ownership and the rights of exploitation of their works.
Porada reserves the right to stipulate a contract for the industrial exploitation of the projects with the designers of the winning or finalist projects.
The participants grant Porada the option to use the winning projects for one year from the date of the jury's report.
Within this period, the company will evaluate whether to put the design into production and in that case, the economic agreement with the designers will be regulated by a specific contract. Porada agrees not to modify the works presented in any way without the approval of the designer.
Porada also has the right to request a one-year option on projects which are not awarded prizes, upon payment of the rights to be agreed between the parties.
The outcome of the jury's evaluation will be announced to the winners within the deadlines set and communicated via email.
Porada will present the initiative to the trade press and will communicate the results of the competition during an event, for which information will be provided in due course.
All competition participants also authorize the company to exhibit their projects in public (exhibitions and events of various kinds) and to publish their designs in a catalogue or in trade media publications; nothing will be due for this, apart from the obligation to quote the designer(s).
For information on the personal data of the interested parties processed for participation in the competition and in order to be able to exercise the rights due to the interested parties on the basis of Articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR, please refer in full to the privacy statement pursuant to Article 13 GDPR attached to this document.